PROJECTS: Environmentally Sensitive Outdoor Lighting for Mines and Other Locales

Monrad Engineering, Inc. and Benya Lighting Design have decades of experience with and are experts in the application of outdoor lighting systems in environmentally and astronomically sensitive locales, including shielding considerations, adaptive controls, spectral content selection, glare control, and lighting ordinance compliance activities to minimize spill light, glare, and sky-glow effects.
Our expertise includes spectral content analysis for environmental and astronomical impact mitigation. Relevant projects include:
Environmental Impact Statement and MPO tasking efforts related to Light Emissions assessments, high-performance lighting design, and sky-glow / light trespass mitigation strategies for the Rosemont Copper project on Highway 83 in Pima County, AZ. This site is located twelve miles from the Smithsonian observatory complexes.
Environmental Impact Statement ... tasking work related to Light Emissions at the new Southern Nevada/Ivanpah Valley Supplemental Airport project site. This site is located nine miles north of the Mohave National Preserve and is proximate to numerous Native American sites of cultural significance.
Tucson Airport Authority (TAA) Winner So. AZ Section IDA Lighting Design Award ...relighting of General Aviation Aprons at Tucson International Airport for energy efficiency, skyglow minimization, glare reduction and equipment modernization, 2000-2001.
Petrocanada and TOTAL Oil Sands processing facilities, Edmonton Canada Witness services related to adverse regional environmental effects from light pollution associated with heavy industrial facilities.
The National Park Service related to lighting issues for numerous sites including Kings Canyon, Sequoia, Yosemite, Presidio, Chiricahua National Monument, Mount Rainier, Canyon De Chelly, and Death Valley National Parks.
New High School, K-8, and K-5 campuses for the Sahuarita Unified School District ...specialty lighting design work for strict compliance with local outdoor lighting codes to protect the mission of the nearby Smithsonian, Whipple and Kitt Peak observatory complexes.
Development of regional light pollution control strategies for the environs of the US Army Post Fort Campbell to preserve night vision helicopter training missions for the 101st Airborne. Affected stakeholders included five different utility companies, Kentucky and Tennessee Departments of Transportation and numerous local town and county jurisdictions.
Assessments for the effects of turbine nacelle lighting on sky brightness at the Potter Wind Farm Generation Site near Cherry Springs State Park, Potter County, PA.
University of Arizona Stadium Lighting Modernization ...replacing existing obsolete floodlighting system with modern state-of-the-art high performance lighting equipment including outstanding glare control optical systems.